Coping During The Lockdown

I have been calling this quarantine “The World Most Need it Break”, and I know a lot of people will agree with me, about the fact that we have been living in an abnormal and unhealthily constant movement, with small possibilities of pausing for a moment to analyze and think what we really want and need, so a pandemic had to come and stop the whole world!
The situation came with many mixed feelings, just to mention a few: panic, anxiety, desperation, and uncertainty but it has also been giving us the possibility to observe our life, our surroundings, our homes, giving us time to spend with our family and time to refresh and renovate parts our life and space that might have been needing tweaks.
Just an example, for the longest time, , my apartment has been screaming for a proper organization and some serious changes but I never had the time or energy to do something about it. But now with the extra time, I decided to listen to my apartment. It’s impressive the amount of stuff one can accumulate over time and if you are a blogger it gets even worst because of all the products we receive from the brands (not that I am complaining at all) but it required me to make extra space and get rid of a lot of things.
Putting together furniture, painting what didn’t look good anymore, organizing, decorating, buying new things, throwing others away, and cooking, have been incredibly therapeutic and it has been keeping me busy enough to forget for moments this new reality we are living in. And on a pinch it has been stimulating my creativity and getting me into new hobbies, gardening, anyone?