Fashion Focus
Our attention is more than ever split between a million and one things. Alarms are going off every other hour to remind us of appointments and we’re constantly running after time to get everything done. Sometimes, it can be hard to make out the Fashion wood from the Fashion trees and not lose sight of what really makes us tick. So how important is it to have Fashion Focus?
By Fashion Focus, understand all those things we do in the name of Fashion, from how we style our looks to how and what we choose to cover when we’re writing or curating. At certain times we’re super keyed in but at other times, Fashion just seems to happen to us and we sort of roll along with it and see where it takes us, especially during ‘slower’ times. Sometimes the journey’s good and sometimes it’s bad but either way, we didn’t choose to end up there.
It can be pleasant to drift on the Fashion wave for a little while but then, something happens. A great collection, a new designer, a new trend jolts us out of our haze. All of a sudden we feel as sharp as ever, we’re into everything again. We’re no longer rolling along, we’re up and running and homing in on those essentials. And that’s exactly how we like it.
The Chicutopian (@barbedchic)