Dandelions || Health Benefits & Side Effects

The nutritional content of dandelion extends to all parts of the plant. Dandelion is a rich source of fiber and many vitamins and minerals.
Dandelions pop up overnight to blemish a perfect green lawn and crowd out the petunias in your flower garden. But instead of going to war with the ubiquitous yellow weeds, you might want to welcome them into your kitchen.
“Dandelions are herbs, and herbs have many health and nutritional benefits,” says registered dietitian Nancy Geib, RD, LDN.
Why should you add them to your diet?
Dandelion greens, in particular, are a great source of vitamins and minerals such as:
Vitamins A, C and K.
Health Benefits of Dandelions
Besides being chock-full of nutrients, dandelions contain compounds that may help prevent health problems. Unfortunately, scientists don’t focus a lot of attention on wild herbs and plants.
“Still, some research points to several benefits of dandelion,” she says.
Provide Antioxidants
Dandelions contain several different types of antioxidants throughout the roots, leaves and flowers, Geib says. Antioxidants protect your body against free radicals — rogue molecules that can damage your body’s cells and make you age faster.
Reduce Inflammation
Chronic inflammation in the body plays a role in a long list of serious health problems, including cancer and heart disease. One way to stay healthy is by eating foods that fight inflammation. Add dandelion to your anti-inflammatory diet: Lab studies have found that compounds in these plants can dial down inflammation.
Manage Blood Pressure
Dandelions are rich in potassium, which makes them a natural diuretic. In other words, they make you pee. Diuretics are often used to help control high blood pressure.
Control Blood Sugar
Dandelion has been used around the world as a natural way to control Type 2 diabetes. Researchers are still investigating that link, but studies in animals suggest that the compounds in dandelions might help reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
Lower Cholesterol
Lowering cholesterol is a key step to reducing the risk of heart disease. Studies in animals have found that extracts from dandelion roots and leaves can naturally lower cholesterol levels.
May Promote Liver Health
Some animal studies suggest that dandelion extract may protect against liver damage and disease.
In fact, one animal study found that it helped prevent liver damage in mice exposed to sodium dichromate, a compound used to induce liver injury.
Other animal studies have shown that dandelion extract may reduce levels of excess fat stored in the liver and safeguard against oxidative stress.
However, human research is needed.
May Aid Weight Loss
Some research indicates that dandelions and their compounds may support weight control, though the data isn’t conclusive.
Some researchers suggest that dandelion’s ability to improve carbohydrate metabolism and reduce fat absorption may lead to weight loss. However, this theory has yet to be scientifically proven.
One study in mice also suggests that dandelion extract may aid weight management by reducing fat absorption.
Another study in mice found that chlorogenic acid, a compound found in dandelion, reduced body weight, decreased fat accumulation, and altered levels of certain proteins involved in weight control.
Still, more high quality research in humans is necessary.
May Have Anticancer Effects
Perhaps one of the most intriguing health claims about dandelion extract is its potential to prevent the growth of cancerous cells in various organ systems.
A 4-week study in rats showed that administering dandelion root extract modified specific pathways involved in suppressing the growth and spread of breast cancer cells.
Other test-tube studies have found that dandelion root extract may slow the growth of cancer cells in liver, colon, and stomach tissue.
These findings are encouraging, but human research is lacking.
May Support Healthy Digestion and Treat Constipation
Dandelion is often used in traditional medicine to treat constipation and improve digestive health.
One older animal study found a significant increase in the rates of stomach contractions and stomach emptying in rats treated with dandelion extract.
Dandelion root is also a rich source of the prebiotic fiber inulin, which has been shown to reduce constipation and promote the movement of food through the digestive system.
What’s more, with more than 3 grams of fiber per cooked cup (105 grams), dandelion greens may bump up your fiber intake. Fiber supports bowel regularity and protects against a variety of digestive conditions, including hemorrhoids and diverticulitis.
May Boost Immune Health
Some research indicates that dandelion may have antimicrobial and antiviral properties, which may support your body’s ability to fight infection.
Several test-tube studies have found that dandelion extract significantly reduces viruses’ ability to replicate.
Research also indicates that some active compounds in dandelion protect against various harmful bacteria.
Ultimately, more research is needed in humans.
May Be a Useful Skin Care Treatment
Animal and test-tube research notes that dandelion extract may protect against skin damage caused by sunlight, aging, and acne.
In one study, dandelion leaf and flower extracts prevented skin damage when applied just before or immediately after exposure to UVB radiation, which is the radiation you get from sunlight. Interestingly, dandelion root did not have the same effect.
An older test-tube study showed that dandelion root extract increased the generation of new skin cells, which may support your skin’s appearance as you age.
Additionally, older research indicates that dandelion extract may reduce skin inflammation and irritation while increasing hydration and collagen production. This may be useful in preventing and treating certain types of acne.
However, recent research on the effects of dandelion on skin health is lacking, and studies are limited to test tubes and animals.
May Support Healthy Bones
Very little research has been conducted on dandelion’s effect on bone health, though some of its individual nutrients contribute to the maintenance of strong, healthy bones.
Dandelion greens are a good source of calcium and vitamin K, both of which play a key role in bone health.
One small study linked an increased intake of vitamin K-rich leafy green vegetables to lower blood levels of osteocalcin, a protein found in your bones. This suggests that eating more leafy greens such as dandelion greens may help prevent bone loss.
Inulin, a fiber found in dandelion root, may also support healthy bones by improving digestion and gut health.
Additionally, some research suggests that the antioxidants in dandelion and other greens play a key role in bone health and protect against bone loss by decreasing oxidative stress.
How To Eat Dandelions
“The great thing about the dandelion is that every part of the plant is edible,” says Geib. She shares her tips for preparing this free-range herb:
Greens: Dandelion leaves are on the bitter side, but they have a spicy kick similar to arugula. Try tossing some fresh, washed leaves into a salad. To take the edge off the bitterness, you can also cook them, Geib says. Soak the leaves in cold, salted water for 10 or 15 minutes, then cook them in boiling water until tender (no more than five minutes). Finish by sautéing the boiled greens with some olive oil, onion or garlic. Top with Parmesan cheese.
Flowers: Dandelions’ sunny blossoms give color to a salad. Use them fresh or dried to make dandelion tea — or brew dandelion wine. You can try infusing them into oil or vinegar, too, Geib suggests. (Dandelion-infused oil can also be used to make a salve that’s great for muscle aches.)
Roots: Roasted dandelion roots are used in a tasty drink similar to coffee. You can find dandelion-based coffee substitutes at health food stores.
Dandelion Supplements
Can you get the goodness of dandelion from supplements and extracts? Possibly, though the science isn’t clear, Geib says. And since there is not a lot of research on dandelion supplements, there aren’t clear dosage guidelines.
Most foods pack the biggest nutritional punch if you eat them fresh — and dandelion is probably no exception, she adds. But if you’re not a fan of their flavor (or the plants are out of season), talk to your doctor about whether dandelion supplements might be beneficial.
Make sure to chat with your healthcare provider if you take certain medications. Dandelion supplements may interact with some drugs, including:
Blood thinners.
Certain antibiotics.
Diuretics (aka water pills).
Some heart and blood pressure medications.
Dandelion leaves, stems, and flowers are often consumed in their natural state and can be eaten cooked or raw. The root is usually dried, ground, and used as a tea or coffee substitute.
Dandelion is also available as a supplement in capsule, extract, or tincture form.
Currently, there are no clear dosage guidelines, as very little human research has been conducted. However, available data suggests the following dosages for different forms of dandelion:
Fresh leaves: 4–10 grams daily
Dried leaves: 4–10 grams daily
Leaf tincture: 0.4–1 teaspoon (2–5 mL) three times per day
Fresh leaf juice: 1 teaspoon (5 mL) twice daily
Fluid extract: 1–2 teaspoons (5–10 mL) daily
Fresh roots: 2–8 grams daily
Dried powder: 250–1,000 mg four times per day
Possible Risks and Side Effects
Dandelion plants have low toxicity and are likely safe for most people, especially when consumed as food.
However, keep in mind that research is still very limited and that dandelion isn’t entirely risk-free.
This plant may cause allergic reactions, particularly in people with allergies to related plants such as ragweed. Contact dermatitis may also occur in those with sensitive skin.
According to an older review, dandelion may also interact with medications, including certain types of antibiotics, anticoagulants, and blood sugar drugs. If you’re taking any prescription medications, be sure to consult a healthcare professional before taking dandelion.